Saturday, March 10, 2007

Split Loyalty Still an Issue

Geert Wilders seems to have nothing better to do than attack Muslim MPs. This week it was the turn of Khadija Arib, who has been a member of the Dutch parliament since May 1998, and acts as a paid advisor to the Moroccan government on human rights issues, particularly those relating to Moroccan migrants.

Mr Wilders demanded that she either give up the paid position for a foreign government or give up her position of MP.

If Mr. Wilders is really interesting in a healthy integrated Dutch society he should applaud Ms Arib's work, if he's really worried about split loyalty because an MP has a paid function with another government he should be condemning Mr. Van Baalen, who has a paid consultant position with the Taiwan government, with the same energy that he condemns Khadija Arib.

A fuller report on the debate was published by the Dutchnews website, and it seems clear that other Dutch MPs are frustrated by Mr. Wilders attacks.

I suppose in a way it's better to have the debate, but it is funded by my taxes, and I resent paying for Mr. Wilders to promote his own Islamophobic views.

In any case, since I can't vote I have written a letter of support to Ms Arib. I want her to know that someone far removed from the situation values both roles she plays.

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